Privacy policy

Hiroshiba ENT Clinic (hereinafter referred as" our clinic ") ever since its inception, it upholds the principle of better serving the patients and realizing safe and high quality medical care. For the purpose of providing these services, our clinic needs to retain relevant personal information of each patient.

In order to forge a firm doctor-patient trust relationship and reassure the patient to receive medical services, our clinic will protect patient's personal information to the utmost extent.

Here releasing the protection policy of patient's personal information, to inform all staff and related personnel and make protection procedures to let them bear in mind its importance, and our clinic is committed to fulfilling the process conscientiously.

Collection of Personal Information

The personal information of each patient retained by our clinic is confined only to diagnosis and treatment, nursing and other medical services related to the patient.

If there is a need of using the personal information for other purposes, our clinic will give prior notice to the patient. Only after obtaining the consent of the patient can we use the information.

Using Personal Information and Providing to the Third Party

Except in the following cases, it is not allowed to use the patient's personal information for any purposes beyond the provisions during our retention.

When providing the patient's personal information to the third party, our clinic is bound to carefully consider its necessity and protect each patient's personal information to the utmost extent. At the same time, our clinic will also require the recipient of information to follow the protection policy.

The Appropriate Management of Personal Information

Our clinic is committed to maintaining the correctness and timeliness of each patient's personal information, of which trying to avoid the leakage, loss, destruction, tampering and improper operation.

Confirmation and Correction of Personal Information

When patients require access to their personal information, our clinic will be no delay to confirm its content and make a reply in accordance with the provisions.

When patient points the unconformity with the fact in contents and asks for a revise, our clinic shall immediately investigate and make appropriate adjustment.

Improvement of Personal Information Protection with Reference to Laws and Regulations

All staff of our clinic promise together to comply with the Japanese law and other norms that related to personal information protection, to reevaluate the suitability of each above procedure, and properly manage and improve the sustainability of it.

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