Overview of Surgery in Japan

Is This Procedure Feasible for You?

First of all, please read the information in "The Patient’s Guide for Receiving an Operation in Japan" carefully. As it is critical for us to have your consent, make sure that you understand what you have read and that you consent to the information. Then move on to the following items below.



Before starting, please check with your primary doctor if you have any pre-existing conditions.


Please contact us using the CONSULTATION FORM and provide us with as much detailed information as possible to fill out the "Description of your condition, symptoms and consultation" section. Especially if the pre-existing condition is serious, give a thorough description of it.


Once you submit this CONSULTATION FORM, the screen will automatically switch you to another on which you can record your voice and send it to us. With your voice data, a more precise diagnosis can be given and a feasibility decision can be made more appropriately made. Please note that we may contact you via e-mail to ask you for additional details on your condition after receiving your voice data.


Scheduling Your Operation.

After the feasibility check gives the "go ahead" to your surgery, we will set up the schedule for your operation by arranging the necessary examination and scheduling a time in the operation room and a bed for you in our patient facilities. We will contact you via e-mail or Skype to give you some schedule availabilities, so that we can discuss and decide on one of them.

Voice operations are routinely performed on Tuesdays and Thursdays. However, if your flight schedule doesn’t allow for these days of the week, please let us know.


Once the operation date has been assigned, please make the reservation for your flight.


An e-mail message will be sent to you with two attachments (below) which ask about your condition.

Please answer the questions, put the necessary signatures and dates on these documents, and send them back to us.

[File name: ICF_Thyroplasty_js-rvsd.doc]

[File name: Patient Questionnairs_js.doc]


Pre-operative Physical examination: ECG, chest X-ray, blood exam.

You should have a pre-operative body check with your GP. Please send us those data in an attached file. Or you can have a preoperative exam with us in our clinic in the morning previous to the day of surgery (additional charge) at which time we will judge whether you can receive surgery. Of course the drawback to having the examination here with us is that perhaps your medical condition will preclude your having the surgery, in which case you will have laid out a lot of travel expenses to no avail.

It will be necessary to stop medication for 2 weeks before surgery and a few days after surgery in the case of your taking an anticoagulant with your doctor’s permission.


If we make the decision that you can undergo the surgery, a consent form will be sent to you for your signature.


We recommend that if you are having a long international flight that you arrive and check into our clinic the day before the surgery. It takes 65 minutes from Kansai-International airport by Limousine Bus (time table) for Kyoto.


Please check the items in "Admission Procedure and What You Should Bring" to prepare for the travel.


In your room

Phonosurgery Inquiry?

You can be sent your voice status using the inquiry form. First, please answer the questions from the doctor.

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