About Our Clinic

Our roll

Hiroshiba ENT Clinic is a unique ear-nose-throat medical institution located in Kyoto, Japan, which provides specialized care in the area of "phonosurgery", a procedure generally uncommon other than at large-scale hospitals.

Our clinic includes beds for inpatients and an operation facility “Kyoto ENT Sergicenter”, which allows busy patients coming from overseas to have a time-efficient surgical treatment with an overnight stay.

With regard to our "phonosurgery", we have been receiving especially numerous inquiries in and outside Japan about the surgery for spasmodic dysphonia called "laryngeal framework surgery" or "type 2 thyroplasty", largely because we have the renowned Dr. Nobuhiko Isshiki as one of our practicing physicians.

Dr. Isshiki is a pioneer and has been the leading physician as well as researcher in this specialized area. He has developed revolutionary vocal fold surgical procedures including laryngeal framework surgery. We have established this English website to meet requests for information and service from patients overseas. Our system has been prepared to accommodate patients from overseas for admission and treatment in our facilities.

Vocal pathologies vary widely in symptoms and causes. Naturally, they are best examined and treated by a collaborative team which includes experts in voicalism and voice training, in much the same way as musical instruments sometimes need not only repair but also proper technique to produce good music.

We take time in determining an individual patient's pathology to provide treatment and training.We cover a range of vocal problems, including vocal cord paralysis and GID patients as well as spasmodic dysphonia.

If all medical procedures in the past have been unsuccessful for you, please consult us.

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